Results for 'Horacio Manrique Tisnés'

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  1.  25
    El proyecto simondoniano: la individuación del ser en devenir.Isabella Builes Roldán, Horacio Manrique Tisnés & Carlos Mario Henao Galeano - 2017 - Co-herencia 14 (26):177-205.
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    La vida buena: dossier.Pablo Pino Posada, Horacio Manrique Tisnés & Belén Altuna Lizaso - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (40):9-12.
    A juzgar por los artículos aquí publicados, es posible nombrar para el ámbito de las humanidades por lo menos tres tendencias en la reflexión contemporánea sobre la vida buena. En primer lugar, resulta manifiesta la perspectiva crítica desde la que se aborda el problema propuesto. De un lado, una serie de artículos desmitifican escenarios, prácticas y estados que tradicionalmente se han considerado propicios, cuando no paradigmáticos, para la persecución de la vida plena. De otro lado, varias contribuciones acuden al subgénero (...)
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    Las elecciones fundamentales para la vida buena: hiperopcionalidad, progreso y retroceso.Carolina Vásques Villegas & Horacio Manrique Tisnés - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (40):32-62.
    En la actualidad, desde el punto de vista de la psicología, la hiperopcionalidad constituye una ilusión de libertad y felicidad: se considera que, a mayor número de opciones, más libre y feliz es la persona. Por otra parte, en la filosofía se ha considerado que la felicidad está directamente relacionada con una vida buena. Partiendo de ese contexto, en este artículo se analizan estos supuestos, mediante la revisión de sus líneas argumentativas y sus posibles implicaciones prácticas, teniendo en cuenta la (...)
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    Aspectos lógicos del pensamiento intuitivo.Isabella Builes Roldán & Horacio Manrique Tisnés - 2018 - Arbor 194 (788):454.
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  5. What the...! The role of inner speech in conscious thought.Fernando Martínez-Manrique & Agustin Vicente - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (9-10):141-67.
    Abstract: Introspection reveals that one is frequently conscious of some form of inner speech, which may appear either in a condensed or expanded form. It has been claimed that this speech reflects the way in which language is involved in conscious thought, fulfilling a number of cognitive functions. We criticize three theories that address this issue: Bermúdez’s view of language as a generator of second-order thoughts, Prinz’s development of Jackendoff’s intermediate-level theory of consciousness, and Carruthers’s theory of inner speech as (...)
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    Vida humana y cultura europea. En torno a la bioética y biopolítica.Román Ángel Pardo Manrique - 2013 - Salmanticensis 60 (1):95-126.
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  7. El arte mariano colonial.Jrm Tisnes - 1988 - Franciscanum 30 (90):273-329.
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    Principio de inocencia y medida de aseguramiento privativa de la libertad en Colombia.Juan Sebastián Tisnés Palacio - 2011 - Ratio Juris 6 (13):59-72.
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    Do Unfair Procedures Predict Employees’ Ethical Behavior by Deactivating Formal Regulations?Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (3):411-425.
    The purpose of this study was to extend the knowledge about why procedural justice has behavioral implications within organizations. Since prior studies show that PJ leads to legitimacy, the author suggests that, when formal regulations are unfairly implemented, they lose their validity or efficacy. This “rule deactivation,” in turn, leads to two proposed destructive work behaviors, namely, workplace deviance and decreased citizenship behaviors. The results support this mediating role of RD, thus suggesting that it forms part of the generative mechanism (...)
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  10. “Textualidad” Y hermenéutica de la acción: Aportes a la polémica epistemológica en ciencias sociales desde Paul Ricoeur.Luis Felipe Rodríguez Manrique - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 32 (105):79-88.
    El documento expone los antecedentes sugeridos por Paul Ricoeur sobre lo que podría denominarse “la polémica epistemológica en ciencias sociales”, referidos a la formulación de un método legítimo para la investigación en dichas ciencias que responda a las particularidades propias de su objeto de estudio. En este sentido, se rastrea la cuestión en la tradición hermenéutica romántica, concretamente en el pensamiento de Wilhelm Dilthey, pasando por la teoría estructural de estudio del texto escrito y la formulación de una teoría de (...)
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    Employees’ Reactions to Peers’ Unfair Treatment by Supervisors: The Role of Ethical Leadership.Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Miguel A. Suárez-Acosta - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):537-549.
    Little is known about employee reactions in the form of un/ethical behavior to perceived acts of unfairness toward their peers perpetrated by the supervisor. Based on prior work suggesting that third parties also make fairness judgments and respond to the way employees are treated, this study first suggests that perceptions of interactional justice for peers (IJP) lead employees to two different responses to injustice at work: deviant workplace behaviors (DWBs) and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). Second, based on prior literature pointing (...)
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    Hierro, Liborio L. Los derechos humanos. Una concepción de la justicia, Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2016.Ricardo García Manrique - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 36:232-241.
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    Sanz del Río. siglo XIX.Gervasio Manrique de Lara - 1935 - Madrid,: M. Aguilar. Edited by Julián Sanz del Río.
    Sanz del Río: Su vida. Sus obras. Su ideario. Bibliografía. Antología.
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    La pluralidad científica y los métodos de interpretación jurídico constitucional.Manrique Jiménez Meza - 1997 - San José, Costa Rica: Mundo Gráfico.
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    Presunción de inocencia: principio constitucional absoluto.Juan Sebastián Tisnés Palacio - 2012 - Ratio Juris 7 (14):53-71.
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    The role of anomia on the relationship between organisational justice perceptions and organisational citizenship online behaviours.Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Santiago Melián-González - 2009 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 7 (1):72-85.
    PurposeAnomic feelings are predicted to play a moderating role in the relationship between organisational justice perceptions and the citizenship use of the organisation's internet access, or cybercivism. The purpose of this paper is to hypothesise that, just as AFs are supported in prior research as able to intensify the negative effects of organisational justice on cyberloafing, they will also intensify the positive effects of OJ on cybercivism.Design/methodology/approachData were collected from 270 of the 1,547 respondents at a public university.FindingsExcept in the (...)
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    Customer Loyalty in Recreational Long-Distance Races: Differences Between Novice and Experienced Runners.David Cabello-Manrique, Antonio Fernández-Martínez, Antonio Francisco Roca Cruz, Borja García-García & Alberto Nuviala - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    A growing number of recreational races are being held in different locations, drawing many local and visiting runners. This study examined the relationships between quality, value, satisfaction, and loyalty among runners in a recreational race and examines potential differences in relationships between these constructs based on the runners’ experience. The participants were 985 runners with a mean age of 40.74±9.41years. Validated, reliable ad hoc instruments were used. A multi-group analysis was performed to ascertain the existence of relationships between the constructs (...)
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  18. What is Said by a Metaphor: The Role of Salience and Conventionality.Fernando Martínez-Manrique & Agustín Vicente - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (2):304-328.
    Contextualist theorists have recently defended the views (a) that metaphor-processing can be treated on a par with other meaning changes, such as narrowing or transfer, and (b) that metaphorical contents enter into “what is said” by an utterance. We do not dispute claim (a) but consider that claim (b) is problematic. Contextualist theorists seem to leave in the hands of context the explanation about why it is that some meaning changes are directly processed, and thus plausibly form part of “what (...)
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  19. Overhearing a sentence.Fernando Martínez-Manrique & Agustín Vicente - 2004 - Pragmatics and Cognition 12 (2):219-251.
    Many pragmaticians have distinguished three levels of meaning involved in the comprehension of utterances, and there is an ongoing debate about how to characterize the intermediate level. Recanati has called it the level of ‘what is said’ and has opposed the idea that it can be determined semantically — a position that he labels ‘pragmatic minimalism’. To this end he has offered two chief arguments: semantic underdeterminacy and the Availability Principle. This paper exposes a tension between both arguments, relating this (...)
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  20. Systematicity and Conceptual Pluralism.Fernando Martinez-Manrique - 2014 - In Paco Calvo & John Symons, The Architecture of Cognition: Rethinking Fodor and Pylyshyn's Systematicity Challenge. MIT Press. pp. 305-334.
    The systematicity argument only challenges connectionism if systematicity is a general property of cognition. I examine this thesis in terms of properties of concepts. First, I propose that Evans's Generality Constraint only applies to attributions of belief. Then I defend a variety of conceptual pluralism, arguing that concepts share two fundamental properties related to centrality and belief-attribution, and contending that there are two kinds of concepts that differ in their compositional properties. Finally, I rely on Dual Systems Theory and on (...)
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    Exploring the Influence of Ethical Climate on Employee Compassion in the Hospitality Industry.Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Rita Guerra-Baez - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (3):605-617.
    The model emphasizes the ethical dynamics of compassion in hospitality settings by suggesting that under an organizational ethical climate, the hotel staff will be more morally aware of peers’ pain and suffering, and motivated to participate in delivering compassion. Based on the positive psychology focus on compassion as individual states and traits supporting interpersonal dealings, the paper operationalizes compassion based on four individual factors involved in the compassionate process: empathic concern, or an other-oriented emotional response elicited by and congruent with (...)
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  22.  32
    A Study of Why Anomic Employees Harm Co-workers: Do Uncompassionate Feelings Matter?Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Rita M. Guerra-Báez - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):1117-1132.
    Although anomic feelings have been found to lead employees to unethical performance, little is known about why this relationship is possible. The aim of this study is to test a compassion-based explanation of why anomic employees harm co-workers by displaying interpersonal deviance. The prediction is made that once sociological anomie enters organizations in the form of employees’ private feelings of anomie—i.e., “anomia”—, this anomia will individually move staff to be uncompassionate in the workplace. Three uncompassionate feelings toward co-workers are then (...)
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  23. La instrospección y el uso cognitivo del lenguaje.Fernando Martínez Manrique & Agustín Vicente Benito - 2005 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):63-78.
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    On the distinction between semantic and conceptual representation.Fernando Martínez-Manrique - 2010 - Dialectica 64 (1):57-78.
    I address the problem of the distinction between semantic and conceptual representations from general considerations about how to distinguish a representational kind. I consider three different ways of telling representational kinds apart – in terms of structure, processing and content – and I examine if semantic representations may constitute a distinct kind with respect to each of them. I argue that the best options for semantic representation to be regarded as a distinct representational kind with respect to each of the (...)
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    «Ley natural» y «virtud»: una relación necesaria para la inculturación de la moral.Román Ángel Pardo Manrique - 2011 - Salmanticensis 58 (3):465-512.
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    On the Psychological Reality of the Minimal Proposition.Fernando Martinez-Manrique & Agustin Vicente - 2009 - In Philippe de Brabanter & Mikhail Kissine, Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models. Emmerald Publishers. pp. 1.
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    Disgust, Hate, and the Law.María Laura Manrique - 2024 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 53 (1):37-54.
    Disgust, Hate, and the Law In this article, I cast doubt on the claim that disgust is the appropriate normative foundation of punishment with regard to hate crimes. Although traditional authors (Lord Devlin) have appealed to the emotion of disgust to justify punishment, recent approaches claim that disgust may not be considered as an illiberal strategy to justify punishment. I analyse one of the leading voices on this subject (Dan Kahan) and show why this view is flawed. Particularly, I demonstrate (...)
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    Derrida’s Conception of Justice as an “Absolute Secret” and the Contamination of Kantian Respect.Carlos A. Manrique - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (Supplement):200-205.
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    El estado de la filosofía de la psicología.Fernando Martínez Manrique - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):175-196.
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    Ignorancia deliberada Y responsabilidad penal.María Laura Manrique - 2014 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 40:163-195.
    En este trabajo pretendo mostrar que el derecho penal contemporáneo no ha encontrado todavía buenas soluciones a las difi cultades conceptuales y normativas planteadas por los casos de ignorancia deliberada. Las difi cultades surgen, en buena medida, al tratar de resolver estas situaciones mediante una herramienta equivocada: ampliando el concepto de dolo eventual. Este recurso conceptual intenta encontrar justifi cación para un castigo severo –el tipo de castigo paradigmáticamente ligado a los delitos intencionales–pero fracasa porque el dolo eventual requiere que (...)
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  31. Vida humana y cultura europea. En torno a la bioética y biopolítica.Román Angel Pardo Manrique - 2013 - Salmanticensis 60 (1):95-126.
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    Hablar para pensar: sobre el uso del lenguaje en el pensamiento.Fernando Martínez Manrique & Agustín Vicente - 2008 - Análisis Filosófico 28 (1):91-112.
    En este artículo examinamos la última propuesta de Carruthers acerca del papel del lenguaje en cuanto emisor global de pensamientos en una arquitectura masivamente modular, centrándonos en dos aspectos: el habla interna como integrador intermodular y su función para explicar la creatividad de la cognición humana. En primer lugar argumentamos que el lenguaje no es suficiente para la integración intermodular, a partir de lo que llamamos el "problema de la audiencia": las oraciones compuestas por el módulo lingüístico, que incorporan información (...)
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    Does Ethical Leadership Motivate Followers to Participate in Delivering Compassion?Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Mercedes Viera-Armas - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):195-210.
    Little is known about whether followers who perceive ethical leadership are more easily moved to act compassionately with peers. This study hypothesizes four compassionate feelings as mediators of the relationship between ethical leadership and interpersonal citizenship behavior directed at peers: empathic concern or an other-oriented emotional response elicited by and congruent with the perceived welfare of a peer in need; mindfulness, a state of consciousness in which attention is focused on present-moment phenomena; kindness, understanding the pain or suffering of peers; (...)
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    The role of anomia on the relationship between organisational justice perceptions and organisational citizenship online behaviours.Pablo Zoghbi‐Manrique‐de‐Lara & Santiago Melián‐González - 2009 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 7 (1):72-85.
    PurposeAnomic feelings are predicted to play a moderating role in the relationship between organisational justice perceptions and the citizenship use of the organisation's internet access, or cybercivism. The purpose of this paper is to hypothesise that, just as AFs are supported in prior research as able to intensify the negative effects of organisational justice on cyberloafing, they will also intensify the positive effects of OJ on cybercivism.Design/methodology/approachData were collected from 270 of the 1,547 respondents at a public university.FindingsExcept in the (...)
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    The Amodality of Language.Fernando Martínez Manrique - 2024 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 29 (2):277-292.
    Amodality is the thesis that concepts are not constituted by modal-specific representations. In this paper I assess the prospects for uncovering support for this claim in language by two different means. First, I examine the question of the amodal character of abstract concepts, but find it to be inconclusive pending a clearer account of the role of sensorimotor representations in language processing. Second, I evaluate the possibility of there being amodal primitive concepts in the context of Carey’s account of representational (...)
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  36. Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) in Different Hispanic Countries: An Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Approach.Denisse Manrique-Millones, Georgy M. Vasin, Sergio Dominguez-Lara, Rosa Millones-Rivalles, Ricardo T. Ricci, Milagros Abregu Rey, María Josefina Escobar, Daniela Oyarce, Pablo Pérez-Díaz, María Pía Santelices, Claudia Pineda-Marín, Javier Tapia, Mariana Artavia, Maday Valdés Pacheco, María Isabel Miranda, Raquel Sánchez Rodríguez, Clara Isabel Morgades-Bamba, Ainize Peña-Sarrionandia, Fernando Salinas-Quiroz, Paola Silva Cabrera, Moïra Mikolajczak & Isabelle Roskam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Parental burnout is a unique and context-specific syndrome resulting from a chronic imbalance of risks over resources in the parenting domain. The current research aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment across Spanish-speaking countries with two consecutive studies. In Study 1, we analyzed the data through a bifactor model within an Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling on the pooled sample of participants obtaining good fit indices. We then attained measurement invariance across both gender (...)
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    Criminal law and legal dogmatics.Manrique María Laura & Navarro - 2017 - Revus. Journal for Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law / Revija Za Ustavno Teorijo in Filozofijo Prava 31.
    The authors expose a challenge that legal dogmatics represents to our legal institutions. Legal dogmatics often claims that it plays a necessary role in identifying legal rules and in solving their indeterminacies. Thus, legal dogmatics is to be viewed as an indispensable complement to legislation. Like legislation, dogmatics also attempts to provide judges with precise guidelines to help them pass the right decisions and avoid the arbitrary ones. Only under this assumption does dogmatics help to make more predictable decisions. However, (...)
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  38. La muerte en la tradición filosófica. Las doctrinas del alma y la muerte en epicúreos y estoicos.Laura Liliana Gómez Y. Juan Francisco Manrique - 2014 - In Díaz Cárdenas & J. Gloria, El problema de la muerte: perspectivas de estudio. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Uniminuto, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios.
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    The corruption as decomposition of the relationships constituting the human being A theological reflection.Román Ángel Pardo Manrique - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 41:89-115.
    Resumen El papa Francisco ha destacado en su magisterio la gravedad de la corrupción como una categoría moral que va más allá del propio concepto de pecado personal. Si los pecadores son perdonados, los hombres corruptos han cerrado su corazón a dicho perdón. Sus enseñanzas nos recuerdan al pecado contra el Espíritu Santo y al concepto de “pecado social”. Sus palabras son de gran actualidad en una sociedad donde la corrupción se extiende como una plaga en instituciones y personas que (...)
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    Actividad antimicrobiana del aceite esencial de Clinopodium pulchellum Govaerts «panizara», frente a Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Staphylococcus aureus.Edgar Tapia Manrique, Betsabeth Rivera Castillo, Américo Castro Luna, Martín Cordorhuamán Figueroa, Christian Quispe Yalli & Diego Valdivieso Márquez - 2019 - Cultura 33:399-415.
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  41. The Big Concepts Paper: A Defence of Hybridism.Agustín Vicente & Fernando Martínez Manrique - 2016 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 67 (1):59-88.
    The renewed interest in concepts and their role in psychological theorizing is partially motivated by Machery’s claim that concepts are so heterogeneous that they have no explanatory role. Against this, pluralism argues that there is multiplicity of different concepts for any given category, while hybridism argues that a concept is constituted by a rich common representation. This article aims to advance the understanding of the hybrid view of concepts. First, we examine the main arguments against hybrid concepts and conclude that, (...)
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    Autonomy and the Rule of Law.Ricardo García Manrique - 2007 - Ratio Juris 20 (2):280-301.
  43. The nature of unsymbolized thinking.Agustín Vicente & Fernando Martínez-Manrique - 2016 - Philosophical Explorations 19 (2):173-187.
    Using the method of Descriptive Experience Sampling, some subjects report experiences of thinking that do not involve words or any other symbols [Hurlburt, R. T., and C. L. Heavey. 2006. Exploring Inner Experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins; Hurlburt, R. T., and S. A. Akhter. 2008. “Unsymbolized Thinking.” Consciousness and Cognition 17 : 1364–1374]. Even though the possibility of this unsymbolized thinking has consequences for the debate on the phenomenological status of cognitive states, the phenomenon is still insufficiently examined. This paper analyzes (...)
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    Explicitness and nonconnectionist vehicle theories of consciousness.Fernando Martínez-Manrique - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):302-303.
    O'Brien & Opie's connectionist vehicle theory of consciousness is heavily dependent on their notion of explicitness as (1) structural and (2) necessary and sufficient for consciousness. These assumptions unnecessarily constrain their position: the authors are forced to find an intrinsic property of patterns that accounts for the distinction between conscious and unconscious states. Their candidate property, stability, does not capture this distinction. Yet, I show that we can drop assumptions (1) and (2) and still develop a vehicle theory of consciousness. (...)
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  45. Ejercicio y responsabilidad médica en las fuentes jurisprudenciales y literarias romanas.Ana Mohino Manrique - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    Le procès de Micaela Mutis (1822). Un tournant historiographique de l’Indépendance colombienne. [REVIEW]Gloria Vargas-Tisnés & Laura Buitrago - 2021 - Clio 53:191-198.
    Entre 1822 et 1824, Micaela Mutis, nièce de Don José Celestino Mutis, mène une intense bataille juridique contre son mari pour obtenir la garde de son enfant illégitime et revendiquer ses droits de citoyenne dans la nouvelle République de Colombie ; paradoxalement, elle est condamnée par le nouvel État en vertu des lois de l’Empire espagnol récemment abandonné. Ce cas, découvert et analysé par l’historienne Aída Martínez Carreño, souligne la nécessité de réinterpréter le rôle des femmes dans l’historiographie colombienne ainsi (...)
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    Suspending the next turn as a form of repair initiation: evidence from Argentine Sign Language.Elizabeth Manrique & N. J. Enfield - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  48. Emoción, modularidad y acción racional.Fernando Martínez Manrique - 2009 - Universitas Philosophica 26 (52):107-131.
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    Radical evil and the invisibility of moral worth in Kant's die religion.Carlos Manrique - 2007 - Ideas Y Valores 56 (135):3-27.
    There is an aporia in Kant’s analysis of evil: he defines radical evil as an invisible disposition of the will, but he also demands an inferential connection between visible evil actions and this invisible disposition. This inference, however, undermines the radical invisibility of ra..
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    Semantic Underdetermination and the Cognitive Uses of Language.Fernando Martínez‐Manrique Agustín Vicente - 2005 - Mind and Language 20 (5):537-558.
    : According to the thesis of semantic underdetermination, most sentences of a natural language lack a definite semantic interpretation. This thesis supports an argument against the use of natural language as an instrument of thought, based on the premise that cognition requires a semantically precise and compositional instrument. In this paper we examine several ways to construe this argument, as well as possible ways out for the cognitive view of natural language in the introspectivist version defended by Carruthers. Finally, we (...)
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